The Hamitic Bible Dictionary is the only dictionary known at this time that details and documents the African contribution, by classifying every letter of the alphabet, sounds and all Biblical words, including every conceivable thought, as having a direct root to the African sacred name "Ham (Black, Kham, Cam, etc.)."
The Godly name Ham throughout this text is frequently translated, "God-OM Am)", "Omnipotent (Amnipotent or Hamnipotent)", "El Shaddai (Shadi)", "Adonia", "Jehovah", "Yahweh", Elohim (Eloham)", "I AM (Cham)", "El-Rehum", "Shem-Hamme-For Ash", "Has-Hamma-IN", "Hama-Korn", "Ha-Ra Ham-An", "Ham-Melek (Black King)", "Negus (same as Nego, meaning Negro King", "Niger (Nigger)", Black (Negro)", "Ham-Massiah", "Ham-Ashiah", "Jeshuah Ham-Mashiah", "Jescua Ham-Mashiah", "Messias", "Amen", "Hesus", and Jesus the Savior."
This book comprises more than 500 pages of Biblical and secular annals; a glossary that consists of 3000+ references gathered from the research of ancient and contemporary theologians and historians.