How to lose weight without feeling hungry. Are you trying to lose weight? Tried all the diets and read all the books - and you're still too heavy and hungry? Experienced obesity consultant Doctor Michael Cooper explains clearly and simply which foods to eat and which foods to avoid in order to achieve your goal weight without feeling constant pangs of hunger. Easy-to-understand text and an index of specific foods to enjoy or avoid, plus top tips for success. Professor Harvey White, Director of Coronary Care and Greenlane Cardiovascular Research Unit at Auckland City Hospital, wrote of Somebody Help Me!: ‘The book is written in such a way that is easy to read with a lovely turn of phrase which compelled me to want to turn the page and read the next section. I highly recommend the extensive and practical appendix.’ Associate Professor Clifford Tasman-Jones, former Head of Human Nutrition, Auckland Medical School, University of Auckland, and past Chairman, New Zealand Nutrition Foundation, said that the way questions were addressed reflected ‘the clinical acumen and confidence the author has acquired from the successful management of individuals with an excess weight issue’. Professor Emeritus Ranginui Walker recommended the book as ‘a lucid layman’s guide to healthy eating as a solution to the problem of morbid obesity and its downstream effects of type 2 diabetes that is so prevalent among the Maori sector of our population’.