Nice Racism
How Progressive White People Perpetuate Racial Harm
Dr. Robin DiAngelo
- **NEW
- on
- the
- groundwork
- laid
- in
- the
- New
- York
- Times
- bestseller
- White
- Fragility,
- Robin
- DiAngelo
- explores
- how
- a
- culture
- of
- niceness
- inadvertently
- promotes
- racism.**In
- White
- Fragility,
- Robin
- DiAngelo
- explained
- how
- racism
- is
- a
- system
- into
- which
- all
- white
- people
- are
- socialized
- and
- challenged
- the
- belief
- that
- racism
- is
- a
- simple
- matter
- of
- good
- people
- versus
- bad.
- DiAngelo
- also
- made
- a
- provocative
- claim:
- white
- progressives
- cause
- the
- most
- daily
- harm
- to
- people
- of
- color.
- In
- Nice
- Racism,
- her
- follow-up
- work,
- she
- explains
- how
- they
- do
- so.
- Drawing
- on
- her
- background
- as
- a
- sociologist
- and
- over
- 25
- years
- working
- as
- an
- anti-racist
- educator,
- she
- picks
- up
- where
- White
- Fragility
- left
- off
- and
- moves
- the
- conversation
- forward.Writing
- directly
- to
- white
- people
- as
- a
- white
- person,
- DiAngelo
- identifies
- many
- common
- white
- racial
- patterns
- and
- breaks
- down
- how
- well-intentioned
- white
- people
- unknowingly
- perpetuate
- racial
- harm.
- These
- patterns
- include:
- to
- prove
- that
- we
- are
- “not
- racist”;
- white
- advantage;
- Black,
- Indigenous
- and
- other
- peoples
- of
- color
- (BIPOC);
- white
- segregation
- “just
- happens”;
- people
- to
- teach
- us
- about
- racism;
- feeling
- immobilized
- by
- shame.DiAngelo
- explains
- how
- spiritual
- white
- progressives
- seeking
- community
- by
- co-opting
- Indigenous
- and
- other
- groups’
- rituals
- create
- separation,
- not
- connection.
- She
- challenges
- the
- ideology
- of
- individualism
- and
- explains
- why
- it
- is
- OK
- to
- generalize
- about
- white
- people,
- and
- she
- demonstrates
- how
- white
- people
- who
- experience
- other
- oppressions
- still
- benefit
- from
- systemic
- racism.
- Writing
- candidly
- about
- her
- own
- missteps
- and
- struggles,
- she
- models
- a
- path
- forward,
- encouraging
- white
- readers
- to
- continually
- face
- their
- complicity
- and
- embrace
- courage,
- lifelong
- commitment,
- and
- accountability.Nice
- Racism
- is
- an
- essential
- work
- for
- any
- white
- person
- who
- recognizes
- the
- existence
- of
- systemic
- racism
- and
- white
- supremacy
- and
- wants
- to
- take
- steps
- to
- align
- their
- values
- with
- their
- actual
- practice.
- readers
- may
- also
- find
- the
- “insiders”
- perspective
- useful
- for
- navigating
- whiteness.Includes
- a
- study guide.
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