"The Irony of First Love: Love submerges everything within one's self." delves into the intertwined lives of five resilient girls and five mischievous boys from wealthy families whose paths intersect on a life-altering trip.
From disparate backgrounds, these girls have known hardship from a young age, forced to leave their homes to work, yet finding solace and support in each other's companionship. Conversely, the boys, born into privilege, have led carefree lives until their encounter with the girls shifts their perspectives on life and love.
As the story unfolds, themes of resilience, sacrifice, and the enduring bonds of friendship take center stage. Despite facing familial rejection and societal obstacles, the girls persevere, their hard work eventually leading to success. Alongside their triumphs, however, are tales of heartbreak and tragedy, where love's sweetness is tainted by the bitterness of loss and betrayal.