This book takes you on an A to Z journey around the concept of
personal and leadership authenticity, through the ideas and examples of
various psychologists, philosophers, political figures and business leaders.
In 26 bite-sized chapters the content explores how a variety of individuals
and ideas illustrate authentic leadership (and in some cases are the polar
opposite!) - from Gandhi's unwavering insistence on truth and JFK's
intellectual maturity, to Hitler's borderline psychosis and Trump's
malignant psychopathy. It considers the ideas of philosophers and psychologists
such as Soren Kierkegaard, Friedrich Nietzsche, Carl Rogers, Viktor Frankl
and Irvin Yalom, and reveals what they have to say on the subject of
authenticity. It explores what makes an Authentic Leader as illustrated
through the leadership case studies of Elon Musk, Henry Ford, Red Adair
and Kofi Annan and demonstrates how authentic leaders operate when
they embody their own natural leadership temperaments.
The book begins with a slightly disconcerting look at how the modern
world may be hijacking our pursuit of personal authenticity and ends with
an invitation to the reader to reflect on their experience of the 2020 global
pandemic and what this has meant for them in terms of if and how they
authentically engage with life.Traversing the alphabet, the book moves seamlessly between
psychological theory, philosophical thought, and leadership illustration.
Though this may seem slightly inelegant to some, it does make the book
agreeably bite-sized and eminently dip-in and out-able!