Colossians: The Easy Study Bible Commentary

The Easy Study Bible Commentary Series, #51

Reeks: The Easy Study Bible Commentary Series


Colossians: The Easy Study Bible Commentary

Not for just for scholars but for anyone who wants to understand the New Testament through learning the Greek definitions of key words.

The Easy Study Bible Commentary takes The Easy Study Bible and examines, describes and expounds upon each New Testament book, chapter by chapter, paragraph by paragraph, verse by verse and finally word by word.

In my many years of Bible study, I have found this dept of description to be the easiest to follow and understand.

I have done my best to write this commentary with the idea in mind of making it easier for you to understand and therefore apply the great teachings that God gave to each of us through the various books of the New Testament.

At the end of each verse that we study, I will give you what I call my Greek Paraphrase. What I do is to take all the expanded Greek definitions and put them together to help us better understand the passage.

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