Learn what a misting system is, why you should have one, how to correctly determine how many misting nozzles you can safely use (a rookie mistake, a link to the Author's free online calculator is provided), if you can use rainbarrels or totes to supply the water to your misting system, rooting media, the parts needed, the tools required, and more!
Take a peek inside right now to see just how much information is here!
Here is what one of the books proofreaders had to say:
"I can honestly say this is by far the best book I have read on mist systems and now look forward to reading at again at leisure and take it all in and be able to go back and forwards between section to clarify anything I want to. I can honestly say it is the easiest technical manual I have read on mist systems. I spent four years at University and part of that course was on the mechanics of horticulture. This covered heating systems, chill rooms, water systems, mist systems etc. None of the info I got there was as interesting and as in depth as yours.
Congratulations on a very thorough, easily read and understood manual on Misting Systems. Excellent."
Ewan Peat BSc (Hons) Horticulture
Discover the secrets to misting systems you will pay hundreds (perhaps thousands?) of dollars to learn them yourself. Don't let the price of the book scare you, just one tip in this book will save you twice that amount!