“A Sabbath Day” is for all time and all people. Everybody should have “his or her Sabbath Day” to enhance godliness and productivity.
By a “Sabbath Day”, I mean a day an individual or group of people anywhere sets aside as a day of rest and total devotion to God. This day may vary from one place to another because of different public holidays in various nations and prevailing circumstances. For example, if one lives in the country where Saturdays and Sundays are not holidays but Fridays, one will have to use Friday as one’s Sabbath. Special anniversaries can also be set apart as Sabbaths. Some seasons of the year may be observed as Sabbaths in which we don’t work but commit ourselves to fasting and prayer and strengthening our family ties.
The aim of this book is to bring believers to “A LIBERATED OBSERVANCE OF A SABBATH DAY” that will strengthen their relationship with God and sustain their spiritual and physical state of wholeness. Believers today hate God’s commandments since they compel them to discipline themselves. They love to say “where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty” and abuse their freedom in Christ. The Sabbath Day liberates believers instead of bringing them under bondage.