The prophecy of Obadiah concludes with the emphatic statement that the Kingdom shall be the LORD’s – Obadiah 1:21. When the Kingdom is the LORD’s, He and the people whom He saves are satisfied. Psalm 23 reveals the LORD – Jesus Christ – as the Shepherd and shows what He does to satisfy His flock. This Psalm paints a perfect picture of the satisfaction of God’s people on mount Zion – they shall not want. Believers around the world are SETTLING, and God is raising SAVIOURS among us. The result of our settlement and the saviours God is raising is SATISFACTION. The word satisfy means to have one’s fill, to be full, to have excess and to be overwhelmed. It is a state of contentment due to having an abundance or excess of the things one needs. Prophetically, I see abundance and pleasures coming into the Body of Christ in a way we have never experienced.