

Reeks: ApaShanko


What we see with our physical eyes is not all there is, the real wonder is out there, or inside us, only being seen with the eyes of the Spirit, with not only beautiful visions, but also visions of our Real self, helping us to heal, this book is dedicated to both, in order to ascend we need to heal first, then exploring our Inner Realms, we may Transcend our Human condition and become Light.

Eduardo Zotz is a Yagesero (Ayahuasca practitioner) and apprentice of traditional medicine, working closely with the Cofán masters of Ecuador and Colombia. His journey in the study of traditional medicine began more than 22 years ago, with the Cofán and Siona elders in Colombia.

Currently residing in Ecuador, he continues his work as a jungle guide and practitioner, blending his experiences with the ancestral knowledge he has acquired from his mentors. His role as a Yagesero highlights his connection to Ayahuasca rituals, a central element of Cofán spirituality and healing. His dedication to learning and sharing these ancestral practices reflects his commitment to preserving and respecting the wisdom of indigenous cultures.

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