Guelph Stories
Edward Butts
- This
- is
- a
- collection
- of
- factual
- stories
- about
- Guelph,
- Ontario,
- and
- its
- people.
- It
- is
- divided
- into
- sections:
- The
- Famous
- and
- the
- Forgotten,
- The
- World
- of
- Sports,
- Crime
- -
- Guelph's
- Dark
- Underside,
- Sundry
- Stories,
- and
- In
- Times
- of
- War.
- The
- people
- in
- these
- chapters
- range
- from
- ordinary
- folks
- in
- extraordinary
- circumstances
- and
- events
- to
- exceptional
- people
- who,
- unlike
- Guelph's
- most
- famous
- son,
- Col.
- John
- McCrae,
- author
- of
- "In
- Flanders
- Fields,"
- have
- been
- largely
- overlooked
- by
- history.
- Among
- them
- are
- poets,
- artists,
- soldiers,
- scientists
- and
- adventurers
- -
- and
- a
- few
- criminals.
- If
- you're
- a
- resident
- of
- Guelph
- or
- a
- former
- Guelphite
- now
- living
- elsewhere
- -
- or
- even
- if
- you've
- never
- been
- to
- Guelph
- but
- love
- fascinating,
- true
- stories,
- this
- is
- a
- book
- you're
- going
- to like.
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