Build a Girlfriend
Elba Luz
- A
- teen
- deep-dives
- into
- her
- dating
- history
- to
- uncover
- her
- mistakes,
- become
- the
- perfect
- girlfriend,
- and
- get
- revenge
- on
- the
- wrong
- guy
- so
- she
- can
- ride
- into
- the
- sunset
- with
- the
- right
- one
- in
- this
- debut
- rom-com.To
- the
- surprise
- of
- no
- one,
- Amelia
- Hernandez
- is
- once
- again
- single.
- It’s
- her
- family
- curse
- at
- work;
- whether
- it’s
- by
- heartbreak,
- scandal,
- or
- even
- accidental
- death,
- every
- romantic
- relationship
- that
- a
- Hernandez
- woman
- has
- will
- meet
- its
- demise
- eventually.
- And
- that
- may
- be
- fine
- with
- Amelia’s
- sisters,
- mom,
- and
- aunts,
- but
- definitely
- not
- with
- Amelia.So,
- convinced
- that
- she
- is
- the
- problem,
- Amelia
- decides
- to
- embark
- on
- an
- “Ex
- Retrospective:”
- tracking
- down
- her
- exes,
- finding
- out
- where
- she
- went
- wrong,
- and
- using
- that
- information
- to
- finally
- become
- un-break-up-able
- for
- whenever
- her
- next
- relationship
- comes
- along.
- Because
- Amelia
- is
- determined
- to
- be
- free
- of
- the
- family
- curse…and
- her
- family.However,
- when
- Amelia
- is
- unwillingly
- reunited
- with
- Leon,
- the
- ex
- to
- end
- all
- exes,
- she
- can’t
- resist
- having
- a
- little
- revenge
- on
- the
- side,
- too.
- After
- all,
- what
- better
- way
- to
- test
- out
- her
- new
- persona
- of
- perfect
- girlfriend
- traits
- than
- on
- the
- boy
- who
- broke
- her
- heart?But
- old
- loves
- die
- hard,
- and
- as
- Amelia’s
- feelings
- grow
- more
- complicated,
- she
- suspects
- that
- she
- may
- be
- in
- for
- more
- than
- she
- bargained for.
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