What is Political Sociology?
Reeks: What is Sociology?
Elisabeth S. Clemens
- With
- an
- entire
- discipline
- devoted
- to
- political
- science,
- what
- is
- distinctive
- about
- political
- sociology?
- This
- concise
- book
- explains
- what
- a
- sociological
- perspective
- brings
- to
- our
- understanding
- of
- the
- emergence,
- reproduction,
- and
- transformation
- of
- different
- forms
- of
- political
- order.
- Crucially,
- political
- sociology
- expands
- the
- field
- of
- view
- to
- the
- politics
- that
- happen
- in
- other
- social
- settings
- –
- in
- the
- family,
- at
- work,
- in
- civic
- associations
- –
- as
- well
- as
- the
- ways
- in
- which
- social
- attributes
- such
- as
- class,
- religion,
- age,
- race,
- and
- gender
- shape
- patterns
- of
- political
- participation
- and
- the
- distribution
- of
- political
- power.Political
- sociology
- grapples
- with
- these
- issues
- across
- an
- enormous
- range
- of
- historical
- and
- geographic
- settings,
- from
- intimate
- to
- geo-political
- scales.
- It
- requires
- an
- analytic
- toolkit
- that
- includes
- concepts
- of
- power,
- identities
- and
- inequalities,
- social
- closure,
- civil
- society,
- and
- modes
- of
- political
- action.
- Using
- these
- central
- concepts,
- this
- updated
- edition
- of
- What
- is
- Political
- Sociology?
- discusses
- the
- major
- forms
- of
- political
- order,
- processes
- of
- regime
- formation
- and
- revolution,
- the
- social
- bases
- for
- political
- participation,
- policy
- formation
- as
- well
- as
- feedbacks,
- social
- movements
- and
- social
- change,
- and
- the
- possibilities
- for
- new
- forms
- of
- digital
- and
- transnational
- politics.
- In
- sum,
- the
- book
- offers
- an
- insightful
- introduction
- to
- this
- core
- perspective
- on
- social life.