Sierida, a human, lives in the year 2045 and the world has changed considerably. Supernatural beings have taken over after a warlock opened up a doorway to Álfheimr and the Álf were introduced into the world. After a short but devastating war, humankind was almost decimated while trying to protect their way of living and their world. However, the Supernatural community had grown vast and numerous and were simply too great of a force to be stopped. Humans have been herded into communities set up in either new cities or old, existing ones and rendered subservient to a new world order. Sierida is a Runner for an Enforcer team in the city of Eathyrst. She and her team are specialized in crime scene investigation and are considered one of the best, but when they are called out to a murder scene that leaves even the supernatural community rattled, Sierida might seem the only one capable of solving the crime. This murder, however turns out to be only the first of several murders... Why her? What is so special about Sierida? That she has to find out on top of catching a killer.