This adventure finds the feisty Thai heroine confronting an all powerful, super-rich arms dealer named Mahir Mubasheer who has secretly obtained supplies of Mr Sato’s special superconductivity material and plans to use it to build light, compact battlefield Direct Energy Weapons (DEWs) that would revolutionise modern warfare.
When Professor Rupert Scott tells Tuk Kae of his suspicions that someone is trying to circumvent Mr Sato’s dream that his invention should only be used for peaceful projects, she is determined to find the source of illegal supply of Sato’s material and put a stop to its military use. Unfortunately, the international security agencies feel unable to move against Mubasheer so Tuk Kae decides to do it herself, risking her life to Defend her mentor’s Dream.
The action takes her to Vienna, Hadra in Israel, Bosnia Hertzogovina and finally Mubasheer’s lair in Manaco. Her efforts bring her into conflict with Mubasheer’s mercenaries who have been tasked with kidnap, torture and murder.