Mrs Jeffries Dusts For Clues
Reeks: Mrs Jeffries
Emily Brightwell
- This
- charming
- series
- of
- Victorian
- murder
- mysteries
- features
- mild-mannered
- Inspector
- Witherspoon
- of
- Scotland
- Yard
- and,
- more
- importantly,
- Mrs
- Jeffries,
- his
- housekeeper.
- A
- policeman's
- widow
- herself,
- her
- quick
- wits
- allow
- her
- to
- nudge
- the
- Inspector
- in
- the
- right
- direction
- to
- solve
- the
- crime.A
- priceless
- brooch
- and
- a
- parlour
- maid
- go
- missing
- at
- the
- same
- time,
- and
- Inspector
- Witherspoon
- is
- called
- in
- to
- investigate.
- He
- finds
- the
- brooch,
- on
- a
- corpse,
- but
- draws
- a
- blank
- on
- the
- missing
- girl.
- Her
- employer,
- Luty
- Belle
- Crookshank,
- has
- more
- faith
- in
- Mrs
- Jeffries
- than
- the
- police,
- and
- rightly
- so..."...the
- body
- was
- only
- found
- today."
- Witherspoon
- paused
- and
- took
- a
- deep
- breath.
- "And
- the
- murder
- was
- committed
- several
- months
- ago.""Several
- months
- ago!"
- Mrs
- Jeffries
- was
- scandalized.
- The
- trail
- would
- be
- colder
- than
- a
- February frost.'