In this second book of this series, Emmanuel Gazoya proposes an unprecedented theory of quantisation of gravity. This formalism is one important application of the seminal time-mass homeomorphism unifying theory of nature, described in the first book of the series, entitled: On the True Origin of the Observable Universe: Elegant Formalism Underlying Holistic Unifying Theory. In Comprehensive Principle of Universal Gravitation: Quantisation of the Gravitational Field, Gazoya derives the boundary solutions of the gravitational field and the so much desired definite theory of gravitons and the gravitational waves equation.
This book shows that rotating astroparticles in bound orbit, in spacetime, are practically spinorial objects, of spin determined to be 3/4.
Doctor Emmanuel D. K. Gazoya is a Senior Research Scientist and Lecturer of Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC) and University of Ghana.