Who Is the Holy Spirit?


Has the subject of the Trinity ever brought confusion and frustration? The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are uniquely the same, and yet they have different roles. During this study you will have the opportunity to examine what the Bible says about one person of the Trinity—the Holy Spirit.

Out of God's great love for the world, He sent His one and only Son as a living sacrifice in order to bring mankind back into relationship with Himself. Jesus, out of love and obedience to His Father, came to earth to fulfill God's plan and offered Himself as the once and for all sacrifice. Before Jesus' death, He told His disciples that He would send the Holy Spirit to live in them and be with them forever. After Jesus' resurrection, the Father sent the Holy Spirit to live in all people who believe in Jesus as Lord.

What would it be like to know the Holy Spirit as an attentive friend and counselor? To walk with him through life's valleys? To accept his invitations to challenging and exciting adventure? This illuminating study, intended for individuals or groups, contains six lessons designed to enrich our understanding of God as Holy Spirit—his divinity, personality and role with respect to us.

All that is required is a Bible and an inquiring heart. After you read the questions posed in each lesson, consider recording your response to the questions in a personal journal. As you explore the scriptures about the Holy Spirit, you will learn about his work of transforming us to radiate the character of Jesus, giving us understanding of truths in the Bible, and providing guidance, comfort, peace and healing. We trust that as you meditate on these verses, the Holy Spirit will, over time, draw you into an even closer relationship with him.

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