Seven More Men
And the Secret of Their Greatness
Eric Metaxas
- In
- this
- sequel
- to
- the
- enormously
- successful
- Seven
- Men,
- #1
- New
- York
- Times
- bestselling
- author
- Eric
- Metaxas
- offers
- more
- captivating
- stories
- of
- some
- of
- the
- most
- inspiring
- men
- in
- history.
- Join
- Metaxas
- as
- he
- shares
- about
- the
- lives
- of
- seven
- more
- men
- who
- faced
- insurmountable
- struggles
- and
- challenges
- with
- victorious
- resolve.Heroes
- and
- role
- models
- have
- always
- been
- essential
- for
- inspiring
- our
- lives
- and
- shaping
- the
- world.
- But
- in
- the
- last
- few
- decades,
- the
- need
- for
- men
- of
- valor
- and
- integrity
- is
- more
- vital
- than
- ever.Metaxas
- restores
- a
- sense
- of
- the
- heroic
- in
- the
- compelling
- profiles
- of
- seven
- extraordinary
- men:Becoming
- acquainted
- with
- these
- seven
- heroes
- cannot
- fail
- to
- make
- your
- life
- immeasurably
- richer.
- Each
- man
- demonstrates
- particular
- qualities:
- the
- courage
- to
- surrender
- themselves
- to
- a
- higher
- purpose
- and
- the
- willingness
- to
- give
- away
- something
- dear
- to
- them
- for
- the
- good
- of
- others.With
- vitality
- and
- warmth,
- Metaxas
- draws
- electrifying
- insights
- for
- our
- daily
- lives
- from
- the
- inexhaustible
- richness
- of
- history.
- Inevitably
- inspiring,
- this
- anthology
- reminds
- us
- that
- certain
- qualities
- are
- worthy
- of
- emulation--now
- more
- than
- ever.Praise
- for
- Seven
- More
- Men:"God
- often
- uses
- nobodies
- from
- nowhere
- with
- nothing
- to
- offer
- but
- hearts
- fully
- surrendered
- to
- him
- and
- uses
- them
- to
- change
- the
- world.
- Metaxas
- once
- again
- magically
- and
- masterfully
- illustrates
- God's
- guiding
- hand
- in
- the
- lives
- of
- seemingly
- ordinary
- men
- to
- produce
- great
- men
- who
- use
- their
- gifts
- and
- opportunities
- to
- bring
- glory
- to
- God
- and
- to
- serve
- others.
- This
- book
- will
- deeply
- inspire
- you
- to
- diligently
- serve
- God
- with
- all
- your
- heart,
- no
- matter
- your
- life's
- current
- circumstances,
- knowing
- that
- he
- knows
- the
- plans
- he
- has
- for
- you."--Kirk
- Cameron,
- actor
- and
- producer"Great
- biographers
- do
- more
- than
- relay
- the
- facts
- of
- history;
- they
- acquaint
- us
- with
- its
- authors
- and
- inspire
- us
- to
- emulate
- them.
- In
- Seven
- More
- Men,
- Eric
- Metaxas
- uses
- seven
- short
- biographies
- and
- five
- hundred
- years
- as
- thread
- and
- canvas
- to
- produce
- a
- magnificent
- tapestry
- to
- not
- only
- inform
- your
- mind
- but
- inspire
- your
- heart.
- These
- unvarnished
- stories
- of
- faithful
- endurance,
- unwavering
- hope,
- and
- costly
- love
- are
- a
- must-read
- for
- our
- generation."--Christopher
- Yuan,
- speaker,
- Bible
- professor,
- and
- coauthor
- of
- Out
- of
- a
- Far Country
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