When you're a kid, you dream of becoming an astronaut, firefighter, or doctor. I managed to crown my career as a doctor. I also wanted to be a writer, and I have some writings out there. As a painter, I never took classes, even though I played with watercolors since I was a kid, and they told me I didn't do so badly for my age.
In 1995 I traveled to the United States to reside in that country. In the free time I had, between studying English, writing, and looking for a job, I resumed the madness of repainting. It lasted about three years. Adefesians in acrylic is the compilation of my drawings made with this technique at that time.
Everything shown here was elaborated empirically, so I name them in that way. From my perspective, they can be interesting drawings, but not for someone with knowledge of the subject.
Either way, they're like children. No matter how different they are, they will always be charming in their parents’ eyes.