How to be a Rubber Band: A Formula for Living Resilience Every Day


No matter who we are, what we have, or where we are from, sooner or later life provides each of us with at least our fair share of trauma, tragedies, setbacks and curveballs. Like death, taxes, and increasingly wrinkly skin, these challenges will eventually rear their ugly heads- it is inevitable. However, the degree to which we succumb to them, if at all, is to a surprisingly large extent up to us.
Minimizing the extent to which misfortune and tragedy eat away at the quality of our lives is equal parts art and science, and the essence of living resilience.
Resulting from thorough analysis of hundreds of individuals who have demonstrated varying degrees of resilience, a widely applicable resilience formula has emerged. This formula can serve as a blueprint, allowing us to build the necessary elasticity into our interactions with stressors, facilitating our ability to stretch and eventually bounce back, while still retaining key elements of who we are deep down inside. Each variable is explored within the context of compelling social science and medical research, and specific suggestions for application provided. The book is written with humor and practicality, allowing for an enjoyable and useful reading experience. The specific goals of the book are to:
•Make successfully responding to stressors, both big and small, part of your daily existence.

•Cultivate a degree of competence and confidence in your ability to effectively handle life’s inevitable challenges; significantly mitigating fear of failure, unexpected setbacks, and tragedy.

•Utilize interactive Making it Work for You sections to apply proven tenets of resilience to your unique situations.

•Arm yourself with the knowledge, attitudes, and dispositions we all need to survive and thrive in the face of trauma.

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