Ancestry: The Deep Field of Reality
Eugenio Ordóñez
- This
- book
- expands
- the
- notion
- of
- reality.
- Its
- chief
- aim
- is
- to
- bring
- attention
- to
- the
- importance,
- influence,
- and
- impact
- of
- the
- ancestors
- in
- one's
- existence,
- through
- the
- exploration
- of
- Carl
- Jung's
- writings,
- James
- Hillman's
- Archetypal
- Psychology,
- Bert
- Hellinger's
- profound
- healing
- insights
- through
- the
- Family
- Constellations'
- methodology,
- as
- well
- as
- Malidoma
- Some's
- shamanic
- contributions
- of
- Indigenous
- African
- Spiritual
- Technologies
- shared
- to
- the
- Western
- psyche.
- The
- approach
- is
- based
- on
- thorough
- research
- but
- it
- is
- also
- experiential,
- anecdotal,
- and
- inquisitive.
- It
- incorporates
- ideas
- and
- theoretical
- contributions
- from
- old
- Greek
- philosophy,
- phenomenology,
- Homeopathic
- medicine,
- Native
- American
- traditions,
- as
- well
- as
- insights
- from
- poetry.
- The
- weaving
- of
- theoretical
- arguments,
- therapeutic
- observations,
- lived
- experiences,
- and
- practical
- ideas
- aims
- to
- open
- a
- field
- of
- studies
- that
- can
- contribute
- directly
- on
- the
- ways
- and
- methods
- of
- practicing
- the
- healing
- arts
- (therapies),
- the
- different
- ways
- of
- knowing
- (epistemologies),
- and,
- ultimately,
- the
- studies
- of
- being
- (ontologies)
- and
- the
- praxis
- of
- happiness
- and
- well-being (eudaimonia).