Aztec Treasure House
Evan S. Connell
- Here
- are
- tales
- of
- fabulous
- advances
- made
- in
- anthropology,
- archaeology,
- astronomy,
- and
- linguistics,
- stories
- of
- the
- Anasazi,
- the
- "old
- ones"
- of
- the
- southwestern
- desert,
- of
- the
- great
- explorers,
- eccentrics,
- dreamers,
- scientists,
- cranks,
- and
- geniuses.
- "There's
- no
- end
- to
- the
- list,
- of
- course,"
- Connell
- says,
- "because
- gradually
- it
- descends
- from
- such
- legendary
- individuals
- to
- ourselves
- when,
- as
- children,
- obsessed
- by
- that
- same
- urge,
- we
- got
- permission
- to
- sleep
- in
- the backyard."
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