- Joseph
- Townsend
- never
- planned
- to
- live
- a
- life
- of
- domestic
- bliss
- with
- anyone,
- let
- alone
- a
- spoiled
- and
- vain
- young
- man
- some
- thirteen
- years
- his
- junior,
- but
- there
- he
- is,
- happily
- domiciled
- with
- Michael
- Mosse.
- The
- domestic
- waters
- suffer
- disturbance
- when
- it
- becomes
- clear
- Michael
- has
- something
- on
- his
- mind.
- Joseph
- has
- reason
- to
- demonstrate
- his
- alpha
- status
- when
- Michael's
- behaviour
- oversteps
- the
- mark.Contains
- scenes
- of
- a
- sexual nature
pro-mbooks3 : libris