Al Baamar: Said Ibn Omar

Said Ibn Omar

Reeks: Said Ibn Omar


As Said walked into the house he heard a man's voice, "It is the will of our mother, I know better than to interfere in my brother's affairs but please think." said the man to Halifa.

"Ali! What should she think about?" Said yelled. Ali turned in shock, lowered his gaze and walked towards Said. "Brother," laying his hands on Said's shoulders. "Mother asked us to….", Said countered Ali's tone with a punch, sending him against the wall.

"Said! If you think punching your brother will change anything, it won't!" Halifa shouted, "The damage is done. You want to know the worst part? I had to hear it from your brothers whom I've never met." Said quickly calmed down and tried approaching her only to be stopped by Ali.

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