Title: Allah Al-Mu'min
Subtitle: The Giver of Faith - The Source of Ultimate Security
Author: Fatima Omer
In this beautifully illustrated story, young readers embark on a heartfelt journey with Imaan, a curious child who learns about the profound meaning of Allah's name, Al-Mu'min – The Giver of Faith. Through everyday challenges, Imaan discovers how Allah's care and protection nurture faith in the hearts of His creation.
With engaging storytelling and captivating illustrations, Allah Al-Mu'min teaches children the importance of trust, faith, and kindness. This book is an enriching experience for children aged 6-12 and a perfect resource for parents, teachers, and guardians seeking to instill strong values and love for Allah in young minds.
Secondary Description
This book is part of the "Exploring Allah's Names: A Journey for Kids" series, each of which focuses on a unique name of Allah.