Title: Allah As-Salaam: Hamza's Journey to Peace
Discover how little Hamza learns the true meaning of peace through the beautiful world around him.
In Allah As-Salaam: Hamza's Journey to Peace, children will embark on an adventure where they witness the harmony of nature and animals, discovering how Allah As-Salaam, the Source of Peace, teaches us to live peacefully with each other.
Through birds, rabbits, and peaceful moments in nature, Hamza learns that peace isn't just something we feel—it's something we can spread through kindness, love, and forgiveness. This delightful story helps children understand how following Allah's guidance brings peace to their hearts, homes, and the world around them.
Perfect for children aged 6-12, this beautifully illustrated book is a must-have addition to any child's library. Hamza's journey will inspire young readers to find peace in their lives, understand the importance of community, and learn the values of compassion and harmony.
This is a story of peace, kindness, and living according to Allah's guidance. Join Hamza as he discovers how peaceful nature is, and how we can follow those lessons to create peace in our own lives. Through fun adventures with animals, from geese to rabbits, children will learn that Allah As-Salaam, the Source of Peace, is always with us, teaching us to live harmoniously.