Digital Social Reading
Sharing Fiction in the Twenty-First Century
Federico Pianzola
- How
- digital
- social
- reading
- apps
- are
- powerfully
- changing—and
- nurturing—the
- way
- we
- read.Conventional
- wisdom
- would
- have
- us
- believe
- that
- digital
- technology
- is
- a
- threat
- to
- reading,
- but
- in
- Digital
- Social
- Reading,
- Federico
- Pianzola
- argues
- that
- reading
- socially
- through
- digital
- media
- can
- help
- people
- grow
- a
- passion
- for
- reading
- and,
- in
- some
- cases,
- even
- enhance
- text
- comprehension.
- Digital
- social
- reading
- (DSR)
- is
- a
- term
- that
- encompasses
- a
- wide
- variety
- of
- practices
- related
- to
- the
- activity
- of
- reading
- and
- using
- digital
- technologies
- and
- platforms
- (websites,
- social
- media,
- mobile
- apps)
- to
- share
- thoughts
- and
- impressions
- about
- books
- with
- others.
- This
- book
- is
- the
- first
- systematization
- of
- practices,
- drawing
- on
- case
- studies
- from
- Wattpad,
- AO3,
- and
- Goodreads
- on
- a
- worldwide
- scale.Using
- a
- combination
- of
- qualitative
- and
- computational
- methods,
- Pianzola
- offers
- fresh
- insight
- into
- the
- reading
- experience
- on
- the
- scale
- of
- big
- data.
- He
- discusses
- the
- impact
- of
- digital
- technology
- on
- reading
- skills
- and
- shows
- that
- a
- change
- of
- methodological
- perspective
- is
- necessary
- to
- understand
- the
- positive
- potential
- of
- for
- promoting
- reading
- more
- broadly.
- He
- argues
- that
- it
- is
- not
- just
- the
- medium
- that
- changes
- but
- also
- the
- context
- and
- the
- attitudes
- of
- readers.
- He
- also
- asserts
- that
- grassroots
- media
- and
- open,
- bottom-up
- communities
- are
- crucial
- to
- the
- success
- of
- many
- reading
- practices
- today,
- especially
- with
- young audiences.
pro-mbooks3 : libris