There were once six wizards.
A thousand years in the past, when the last of the High Kings betrayed his people, when the magic of the Seven Kingdoms disappeared, the wizards died.
But now the magic has returned. Illean, a Scholar of the land, and Carac, a Prince from the one Kingdom that denied the wizards, must travel together throughout the Seven Kingdoms in search of answers.
Has a new High King been born? The crown in the flames, a crown with seven points, insists that he has. And now with war threatening between Kingdoms, Illean and Carac’s search grows more difficult.
With no wizards to control it, the magic spreads unchecked, and Illean herself holds a token that seems to prove a new, more troubling rumor – that one of the wizards has survived.
As magical creatures gone for a millennia return to their ancient homes, and warring Kings deny their very oaths, can Illean and Carac find a way to stop a second destruction?
For as they journey to the lifeless High Kingdom of Lynholm, the two realize that the power to bring the errant Kings under control can only be held by a High King.
Or a wizard.