- Of
- Bacon's
- literary,
- as
- distinct
- from
- his
- philosophical
- and
- professional,
- works,
- far
- the
- most
- popular
- and
- important
- are
- the
- 'Essays.'
- But
- it
- may
- not
- be
- superfluous
- to
- remark
- that
- the
- 'Essays'
- are
- the
- most
- original
- of
- all
- Bacon's
- works,
- those
- which,
- in
- detail,
- he
- seems
- to
- have
- thought
- out
- most
- completely
- for
- himself,
- apart
- from
- books
- and
- collections
- of
- commonplaces.
- Though
- the
- 'Essays'
- have
- the
- same
- title
- as
- the
- larger
- collection
- of
- Montaigne,
- the
- two
- works
- have
- little
- in
- common,
- except
- their
- rare
- power
- of
- exciting
- interest
- and
- the
- unmistakable
- mark
- of
- genius
- which
- is
- impressed
- on
- them both.
pro-mbooks3 : libris