Essays of Francis Bacon
Francis Bacon
- This
- collection
- contains
- fifty-eight
- essays,
- published
- at
- various
- times
- between
- 1597
- and
- 1625,
- on
- subjects
- ranging
- among
- state
- policy,
- personal
- conduct,
- and
- the
- appreciation
- of
- nature.
- Bacon
- has
- been
- referred
- to
- as
- the
- founder
- of
- modern
- inductivism
- and
- prophet
- of
- the
- industrial
- revolution,
- and
- all
- forms
- of
- knowledge
- are
- subjected
- to
- the
- interpretation
- of
- Bacon's
- views
- on life.
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