New Atlantis and The Great Instauration
Reeks: Crofts Classics
Francis Bacon
- This
- richly
- annotated
- second
- edition
- of
- the
- now-classic
- pairing
- of
- Bacon's
- masterpieces,
- New
- Atlantis
- and
- The
- Great
- Instauration
- features
- the
- addition
- of
- other
- works
- by
- Bacon,
- including
- "The
- Idols
- of
- the
- Mind,"
- "Of
- Unity
- in
- Religion"
- and
- "Of
- the
- True
- Greatness
- of
- Kingdoms
- and
- Estates,"
- as
- well
- a
- Summary
- of
- the
- each
- work
- and
- Questions
- for
- the reader.