- The
- definitive
- guide
- to
- organic
- coatings,
- thoroughly
- revised
- and
- updated—now
- with
- coverage
- of
- a
- range
- of
- topics
- not
- covered
- in
- previous
- editionsOrganic
- Coatings:
- Science
- and
- Technology,
- Fourth
- Edition
- offers
- unparalleled
- coverageof
- organic
- coatings
- technology
- and
- its
- many
- applications.
- Written
- by
- three
- leading
- industry
- experts
- (including
- a
- new,
- internationally-recognized
- coatings
- scientist)
- it
- presents
- a
- systematic
- survey
- of
- the
- field,
- revises
- and
- updates
- the
- material
- from
- the
- previous
- edition,
- and
- features
- new
- or
- additional
- treatment
- of
- such
- topics
- as
- superhydrophobic,
- ice-phobic,
- antimicrobial,
- and
- self-healing
- coatings;
- sustainability,
- artist
- paints,
- and
- exterior
- architectural
- primers.
- making
- it
- even
- more
- relevant
- and
- useful
- for
- scientists
- and
- engineers
- in
- the
- field,
- as
- well
- as
- for
- students
- in
- coatings
- courses.The
- book
- incorporates
- up-to-date
- coverage
- of
- recent
- developments
- in
- the
- field
- with
- detailed
- discussions
- of
- the
- principles
- underlying
- the
- technology
- and
- their
- applications
- in
- the
- development,
- production,
- and
- uses
- of
- organic
- coatings.
- All
- chapters
- in
- this
- new
- edition
- have
- been
- updated
- to
- assure
- consistency
- and
- to
- enable
- extensive
- cross-referencing.
- The
- material
- presented
- is
- also
- applicable
- to
- the
- related
- areas
- of
- printing
- inks
- and
- adhesives,
- as
- well
- as
- areas
- within
- the
- plastics
- industry.This
- new
- editionProviding
- a
- broad
- overview
- for
- beginners
- in
- the
- field
- of
- organic
- coatings
- and
- a
- handy
- reference
- for
- seasoned
- professionals,
- Organic
- Coatings:
- Science
- and
- Technology,
- Fourth
- Edition,
- gives
- you
- the
- information
- and
- answers
- you
- need,
- when
- you
- need them.
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