Rethinking Reputation
How PR Trumps Marketing and Advertising in the New Media World
Fraser P. Seitel ; John Doorley
- Good
- public
- relations
- is
- no
- longer
- just
- icing---it's
- a
- strategic
- imperative
- more
- important
- to
- your
- competitive
- success
- than
- even
- advertising
- or
- marketing.
- This
- is
- true
- whether
- you're
- a
- century-old
- multibillion-dollar
- corporation
- or
- a
- penniless
- startup.
- In
- Rethinking
- Reputation,
- public
- relations
- guru
- Fraser
- Seitel
- and
- John
- Doorley,
- founder
- of
- the
- Academy
- for
- Communication
- Excellence
- and
- Leadership
- at
- Johnson
- &
- Johnson,
- examine
- a
- fascinating
- new
- set
- of
- case
- studies---including
- the
- BP
- oil
- spill
- and
- the
- launch
- of
- CitySlips---to
- glean
- the
- PR
- dos
- and
- don'ts
- for
- the
- new
- media
- world,
- covering
- both
- standard
- reputation
- maintenance
- and
- crisis
- management.
- They
- also
- show
- start-up
- companies
- and
- entrenched
- organizations
- how
- to
- use
- the
- power
- of
- word-of-mouth
- to
- jump-start
- business
- like
- never
- before.
- This
- is
- a
- wake-up
- call
- from
- two
- industry
- legends-for
- public
- relations
- professionals
- as
- well
- as
- entrepreneurs,
- CEOs,
- and
- anyone
- else
- tasked
- with
- representing
- their
- organization
- to
- the
- world.These
- new
- media
- lessons
- include:*
- Remember
- that
- research
- is
- cheaper,
- and
- more
- critical,
- than
- ever.
- Don't
- let
- the
- perfect
- be
- the
- enemy
- of
- the
- good---launch
- your
- idea
- before
- someone
- else
- does.
- Don't
- get
- so
- excited
- about
- social
- media
- that
- you
- forget
- about
- traditional
- media.
- In
- a
- crisis,
- you
- are
- never
- offstage.
- Never
- lie,
- never
- whine,
- and
- never
- try
- to
- predict
- the future!
pro-mbooks3 : libris