Atoms for Peace and Other Stories
Fraser Sherman
- Atoms
- for
- Peace
- asks
- a
- simple
- question:
- what
- if
- the
- SF
- films
- of
- the
- 1950s
- had
- really
- happened?
- story
- starts
- in
- 1953,
- just
- a
- year
- after
- the
- Martians
- invaded
- and
- almost
- wiped
- humanity
- out.
- Retired
- spy
- Gwen
- Montgomery
- discovers
- Martians
- aren't
- the
- only
- super-science
- threat
- we
- have
- to
- face
- when
- a
- dead
- half-lizard
- man
- shows
- up
- near
- her
- apartment.
- The
- Claws
- That
- Catch,
- dignified
- Boston
- doctor
- Danielle
- Taylor
- finds
- her
- hometown
- overwhelmed
- by
- an
- invasion
- of
- mutated
- lobster-men.
- It
- turns
- out
- that
- fighting
- on
- the
- front
- lines
- to
- save
- life
- is
- what
- she
- was
- made
- for.
- The
- Spider
- Strikes,
- Gwen
- —now
- a
- federal
- agent
- investigating
- rogue
- scientific
- research
- —
- gets
- unexpected
- help
- from
- Steve
- Flanagan,
- a
- two-fisted
- drifter
- hunting
- his
- possibly
- criminal
- brother.
- the
- course
- of
- the
- 1950s
- Steve
- and
- Dani
- become
- a
- couple
- while
- Gwen
- and
- Steve
- become
- an
- investigative
- team.
- Their
- friendships
- and
- love
- affairs,
- along
- with
- the
- rest
- of
- the
- cast,
- play
- out
- against
- a
- backdrop
- where
- we're
- launching
- rockets
- to
- the
- moon
- in
- the
- 1950s,
- alien
- infiltrators
- can
- occupy
- high
- government
- positions,
- radiation
- creates
- a
- constant
- stream
- of
- mutated
- monsters
- and
- everyone
- on
- Earth
- knows
- their
- next
- day
- could
- potentially
- be
- their
- last.
- love,
- danger,
- mystery
- and
- a
- little
- politics
- in
- the
- world
- of
- Atoms
- for Peace.