The Gems of Thot
The Chronicles of Ari, #1
Reeks: The Chronicles of Ari
Frederick Guttmann
- The
- Gems
- of
- Thoth
- have
- been
- the
- beginning
- of
- a
- series
- of
- novels
- that
- allow
- me
- to
- freely
- address
- very
- broad
- themes
- about
- the
- most
- transcendent
- aspects
- of
- existence,
- being,
- the
- future
- and
- the
- universe.
- Much
- of
- the
- information
- in
- these
- works
- comes
- from
- a
- multitude
- of
- reports
- of
- extraterrestrial
- contact
- transmitted
- widely
- throughout
- our
- history,
- and
- I
- have
- shaped
- it
- into
- a
- fiction
- and
- fantasy
- novel,
- adding
- mysteries
- of
- Hermeticism
- and
- the
- Kabalah,
- as
- well
- as
- quantum
- physics.
- universe
- takes
- place
- in
- a
- post-World
- War
- IV
- future
- on
- Earth,
- which
- is
- known
- locally
- as
- the
- Har-Megedon
- War,
- but
- outside
- of
- here
- it
- is
- merely
- part
- of
- the
- greater
- galactic
- conflict
- of
- the
- Ragnarök
- War.
- years
- ago,
- King
- Thothme's
- son,
- Dyehuty,
- seeing
- Atlantis
- would
- be
- swallowed
- by
- the
- sea,
- asked
- for
- help
- from
- an
- extraterrestrial
- consciousness
- called
- Ra.
- Faced
- with
- the
- call
- for
- help,
- Ra
- and
- five
- other
- groups
- of
- the
- Galactic
- Confederation
- taught
- various
- wise
- men
- and
- white
- magicians
- how
- to
- build
- pyramids
- to
- save
- the
- Earth
- from
- the
- disaster
- caused
- by
- the
- Aryans
- (people
- of
- Mars
- who
- were
- then
- colonists
- of
- Atlantis).
- Ra
- gave
- Dyehuty
- a
- disc-shaped
- ship
- so
- that
- he
- could
- enhance
- his
- mental
- power
- and
- make
- a
- construction
- in
- Gize,
- and
- thus
- he
- built
- the
- Great
- Pyramid
- and
- the
- Sphinx,
- and
- hid
- it
- 1
- km
- deep.
- many
- years
- the
- Zoton
- forces
- attempted
- to
- find
- this
- ship,
- the
- Tilmun,
- in
- order
- to
- open
- a
- dimensional
- portal
- and
- free
- Lucifer.
- The
- Har-Megedon
- War
- ended
- millennia
- of
- Orian
- oppression,
- and
- landed
- Lucifer
- and
- several
- of
- his
- generals
- in
- prison.
- In
- the
- Sirius
- B
- star
- system,
- a
- war
- still
- prevailed.
- This
- conflict
- spread
- and
- attracted
- support
- from
- more
- groups
- of
- Orion
- and
- Draco
- (the
- reptilians).
- begins
- a
- search
- for
- answers
- that
- leads
- to
- Tilmun,
- which
- has
- fallen
- into
- the
- hands
- of
- Zoton
- forces.
- The
- leaders
- of
- the
- brawl
- discover
- that
- they
- cannot
- use
- the
- Tilmun
- without
- the
- help
- of
- 4
- gems
- that
- have
- been
- hidden
- in
- our
- solar
- system.
- A
- hunt
- for
- these
- stones
- leads
- to
- the
- formation
- of
- a
- group
- that
- supports
- Ari
- in
- what
- would
- be
- the
- beginning
- of
- a
- mission
- connected
- to
- the
- most
- important
- events
- in
- Jaleb.
- talk
- about
- the
- mysteries
- of
- the
- cosmos,
- about
- the
- Third
- World
- War
- and
- the
- reign
- of
- the
- Antichrist,
- about
- how
- we
- live
- now
- on
- the
- new
- Earth:
- without
- war,
- or
- injustice,
- where
- everyone
- has
- everything,
- without
- illness,
- in
- longevity,
- without
- poverty,
- without
- money.
- ,
- where
- children
- learn
- extrasensory
- abilities,
- without
- states
- or
- corporations,
- without
- pollution
- and
- where
- they
- live
- with
- advanced
- technology,
- sharing
- with
- races
- and
- cultures
- from
- other
- planets,
- and
- regenerating
- biodiversity
- and
- helping
- other
- planets
- in
- evolution.
- Learning
- about
- the
- existing
- dimensions
- and
- planes
- of
- reality,
- about
- how
- Enlightenment
- is
- achieved,
- about
- the
- chakras,
- about
- the
- political
- and
- military
- conflicts
- that
- have
- been
- unleashed
- in
- the
- galaxy
- and
- about
- the
- civilizations
- that
- previously
- populated
- the
- Earth
- before
- Atlantis.
- How
- the
- universe
- was
- produced
- and
- remains
- by
- Mind,
- with
- all
- minds
- being
- a
- network
- of
- consciousness
- within
- another
- network
- of
- consciousness.
- They
- understand
- Destiny
- and
- why
- it
- was
- established.
- They
- understand
- that
- we
- have
- multiple
- bodies
- at
- the
- same
- time
- and
- we
- can
- use
- them,
- they
- know
- that
- the
- Apocalypse
- was
- only
- a
- transition,
- and
- that
- death
- does
- not
- exist.
- first
- part
- is
- just
- the
- beginning
- of
- the
- great
- revelation
- of
- the
- mysteries
- of
- the
- multiverse
- narrated
- by
- Ari,
- the
- daughter
- of
- two
- priests
- who
- escaped
- the
- fall
- of
- the
- Blue
- Rain
- asteroid,
- which
- put
- an
- end
- to
- the
- Great Tribulation.
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