The Game (The Emperor's Library: Book Three)
Reeks: The Emperor's Library
Frederick Kirchhoff
- The
- Game,
- Book
- Three
- of
- The
- Emperor’s
- Library,
- takes
- place
- twenty
- years
- after
- the
- events
- recounted
- in
- The
- Tritargon.
- When
- the
- story
- opens,
- Jon
- is
- living
- quietly
- in
- Kar,
- having
- withdrawn
- from
- the
- heroic
- stage
- he
- once
- occupied.
- With
- Dan,
- his
- lover
- and
- business
- partner,
- he
- deals
- in
- relics
- of
- the
- Empire,
- until
- one
- transaction
- puts
- them
- in
- possession
- of
- a
- mysterious
- book
- sought
- both
- by
- The
- Chosen,
- now
- rulers
- of
- the
- city,
- and
- by
- a
- dissenting
- sect
- that
- seeks
- to
- overthrow
- The
- Chosen
- and
- their
- leader.
- Caught
- in
- the
- struggle
- between
- these
- forces,
- Jon
- must
- reenter
- the
- larger
- world
- he
- had
- left
- behind
- and
- once
- again
- risk
- his
- life
- for
- a
- cause.
- With
- the
- help
- of
- Krator,
- a
- depraved
- mathematician,
- he
- attempts
- to
- solve
- the
- riddle
- of
- the
- game,
- the
- long-lost
- key
- to
- an
- ancient
- science
- that
- can
- transform—or
- destroy—the
- planet.
- quest
- reunites
- him
- with
- Zoë,
- Klei
- and
- other
- figures
- from
- his
- past
- from
- whom
- has
- been
- long
- estranged.
- Together,
- they
- find
- themselves
- in
- a
- multidimensional
- confrontation
- that
- none
- of
- them
- could
- have
- anticipated.
- All
- who
- take
- part
- in
- the
- final
- game
- find
- their
- lives
- irrevocably changed.