Beyond the Blue Event Horizon
Reeks: Heechee
Frederik Pohl
- Frederik
- Pohl
- was
- on
- a
- streak
- when
- this
- Hugo
- Award–finalist
- novel
- was
- published
- in
- 1980.
- Now
- back
- in
- print
- after
- an
- absence
- of
- nearly
- a
- decade,
- this
- unique
- science
- fiction
- novel
- is
- as
- fresh
- and
- entertaining
- as
- ever.The
- story
- begins
- when
- the
- hero
- of
- Gateway
- finances
- an
- expedition
- to
- a
- distant
- alien
- spaceship
- that
- may
- end
- famine
- forever.
- On
- the
- ship,
- the
- explorers
- find
- a
- human
- boy,
- and
- evidence
- that
- reveals
- a
- powerful
- alien
- civilization
- is
- thriving
- on
- a
- transport
- ship
- headed
- right
- for
- Earth….At
- the
- Publisher's
- request,
- this
- title
- is
- being
- sold
- without
- Digital
- Rights
- Management
- Software
- (DRM) applied.