The Double - Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky
Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky
- First
- published
- in
- 1846,
- Fyodor
- Dostoyevsky's
- novella
- "The
- Double"
- is
- a
- classic
- doppelgänger
- and
- the
- second
- major
- work
- published
- by
- the
- author.
- It
- is
- the
- story
- of
- Yakov
- Petrovich
- Golyadkin,
- a
- government
- clerk
- who
- believes
- that
- a
- fellow
- clerk
- has
- taken
- over
- his
- identity
- and
- is
- determined
- to
- bring
- about
- his
- ruin.
- Considered
- the
- most
- Gogolesque
- of
- Dostoyevsky's
- works,
- the
- novella
- brilliantly
- depicts
- Golyadkin's
- descent
- into
- madness
- in
- a
- way
- that
- is
- hauntingly
- poetic.
- "The
- Double"
- illustrates
- Dostoyevsky's
- uncanny
- ability
- at
- capturing
- the
- complexity
- of
- human
- emotion
- especially
- the
- darker
- side
- of
- the
- human psyche.