The Idiot
A Masterpiece of Psychological and Philosophical Fiction
Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky ; Zenith Blue Ridge Books
- What
- happens
- when
- a
- pure
- and
- kind
- soul
- enters
- a
- world
- driven
- by
- power,
- greed,
- and
- deception?"
- Dostoyevsky's
- The
- Idiot
- is
- a
- timeless
- literary
- masterpiece
- exploring
- innocence,
- morality,
- and
- human
- nature
- in
- a
- corrupt
- society.
- This
- deeply
- emotional
- and
- thought-provoking
- novel
- follows
- Prince
- Myshkin,
- a
- nobleman
- whose
- honesty
- and
- compassion
- make
- him
- an
- outsider
- in
- a
- world
- filled
- with
- ambition
- and
- betrayal.
- Returning
- to
- Russia
- after
- years
- of
- treatment
- for
- epilepsy
- in
- Switzerland,
- Prince
- Lev
- Nikolayevich
- Myshkin
- finds
- himself
- entangled
- in
- the
- intrigues
- of
- St.
- Petersburg's
- aristocracy.
- His
- childlike
- sincerity
- and
- unshakable
- morality
- stand
- in
- stark
- contrast
- to
- the
- deceit
- and
- ambition
- of
- those
- around
- him.
- As
- he
- falls
- in
- love
- with
- two
- very
- different
- women—Nastasya
- Filippovna,
- a
- beautiful
- yet
- troubled
- woman,
- and
- Aglaya,
- the
- charming
- daughter
- of
- a
- noble
- family—he
- is
- drawn
- into
- a
- tragic
- web
- of
- passion,
- jealousy,
- and
- fate.
- Dostoyevsky
- masterfully
- weaves
- psychological
- depth
- with
- philosophical
- insight,
- questioning
- whether
- true
- goodness
- can
- survive
- in
- a
- ruthless
- world.
- The
- Idiot
- is
- not
- just
- a
- novel—it's
- an
- exploration
- of
- human
- virtue
- and
- the
- price
- of
- authenticity.
- The
- Idiot
- is
- one
- of
- Dostoyevsky's
- most
- profound
- works,
- often
- ranked
- alongside
- Crime
- and
- Punishment
- and
- The
- Brothers
- Karamazov.
- Recognized
- as
- a
- literary
- classic,
- it
- has
- influenced
- countless
- writers,
- philosophers,
- and
- psychologists.
- The
- novel's
- timeless
- themes
- continue
- to
- captivate
- readers
- worldwide,
- making
- it
- essential
- reading
- for
- fans
- of
- thought-provoking
- fiction.
- Immerse
- yourself
- in
- The
- Idiot,
- a
- novel
- that
- will
- challenge
- your
- perceptions
- of
- morality,
- love,
- and
- human
- nature.
- If
- you
- enjoy
- deeply
- psychological
- and
- philosophical
- storytelling,
- this
- book
- is
- a
- must-read.
- Click
- "Buy
- Now"
- to
- experience
- one
- of
- Dostoyevsky's
- most
- moving
- and
- unforgettable masterpieces.
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