The inspired God-breathed stories we read in the Holy Bible are still relevant today. I was invited to join a personal reading of Luke's narrative on the birth of Christ. I found it so intriguing that I began to look at Mathew's narrative as well. I found the roles of Anna and Simeon so cool, that I felt an internal prompting to take a retrospective glimpse of their earlier customs. Marriage is one example where girls in their pre-teen years were engaged to older men. They grew up anticipating their roles as women and mothers, and would ultimately embrace them to the very end.
God handpicked Mary and Joseph to tell His redemptive story. How Jesus took on the form of humanity as a man, of the couple who would parent him, the Elders in the Temple who remained steadfast in their beliefs and unshakeable in the promises spoken by men of old that the Messiah would come, that he would be born, in Bethlehem, he would triumph over death and the grave. This evidence is scattered throughout the Bible. Genesis 12:3; Isaiah 7:14; Isaiah 7:14; Isaiah 9:6-7; Micah 5:2-5; Hosea 11:1. Does it matter what day He was born on? or the month of the year? I think not. The evidence remains alive in our hearts and lives that Jesus Christ was born indeed!