Releasing Great Grace and Great Power


Because of its importance, this prior anointing will be discussed more fully in the early chapters of the book. This anointing is the necessary foundation from which an alignment of the Spirit and the Word might occur among denominational and doctrinal camps, as well as a prerequisite for the anointing of power from the Spirit. Instead of waiting for an 'Isaac generation' to someday come and solve the woes of the church, we should rather look to a 'Mary generation' in the church today, who is willing to humble themselves before the Lord. In essence, what I am saying is, do not expect an alignment of the Word and Spirit, nor a mighty anointing by the Holy Spirit, unless you are willing to first anoint the head of Jesus. The source of all supernatural gifts, starts by pouring out everything of earthly value upon Jesus as He is worthy of it all, and then sitting down at His feet. Sorry, if I burst any bubbles for those 'fast movers' that want to skip this step, and get on to a discussion of how you can be a powerhouse of your own making in your ministry. I am not avoiding that equally important topic about the anointing of the Spirit, but rather delaying its discussion till later in the book.

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