Never on Monday
Gary Clifton
- When
- Dallas
- homicide
- cops
- are
- called
- to
- Fat
- Sal's
- Deli,
- they
- are
- greeted
- by
- a
- slaughterhouse
- littered
- with
- bodies,
- gore,
- and
- a
- slew
- of
- spent
- cartridges.
- The
- volatile
- mixture
- of
- deception,
- treachery,
- sex,
- and
- love
- has
- ignited
- into
- mayhem
- by
- machine
- gun
- fire...leaving
- behind
- a
- baffling
- crime
- scene.
- "Never
- on
- Monday"
- by
- Gary
- Clifton
- is
- a
- Mannison
- Minibook
- published
- by
- Mannison
- Press, LLC.
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