The Football Pocket Bible
Gavin Cooke
- The
- perfect
- gift
- for
- every
- football
- fanWhen
- was
- the
- first
- World
- Cup
- held?
- Which
- football
- team
- has
- the
- smallest
- ground?
- And
- what
- exactly
- is
- the
- Cruyff
- turn?Find
- the
- answer
- to
- all
- these
- and
- more
- inside
- The
- Football
- Pocket
- Bible,
- a
- compendium
- of
- football
- trivia
- and
- titbits
- about
- the
- world's
- most
- popular
- sport.
- Inside,
- debate
- the
- tactics
- and
- the
- transfers,
- the
- teams
- and
- the
- triumphs,
- defend
- the
- clubs,
- the
- competitions
- and
- the
- kits
- and
- indulge
- in
- the
- books,
- the
- films
- and
- the
- infamous
- songs.
- You
- ll
- also
- find
- practical
- information
- like
- the
- best
- pubs
- for
- away
- supporters,
- how
- to
- explain
- the
- offside
- rule
- and
- even
- how
- to
- set
- up
- a
- grassroots
- football
- club.This
- pocket
- guide
- will
- answer
- all
- your
- football
- questions,
- from
- the
- lowest
- attendance
- record
- to
- the
- highest
- wages
- paid
- to
- a
- footballer.
- Find
- out
- about
- memorable
- World
- Cup
- moments,
- the
- history
- of
- the
- Premier
- League,
- as
- well
- as
- the
- Bosman
- ruling
- and
- the
- Hillsborough
- disaster.
- Whether
- you're
- a
- seasoned
- supporter
- or
- a
- budding
- football
- fanatic,
- whether
- your
- favourite
- football
- film
- is
- Bend
- it
- Like
- Beckham
- or
- The
- Damned
- United,
- The
- Football
- Pocket
- Bible
- is
- guaranteed
- to
- entertain
- and
- enlighten
- every
- lover
- of
- the
- beautiful
- game.
- So
- if
- you
- want
- all
- thefootball
- facts
- at
- your
- fingertips,
- kick
- back
- and
- climb
- to
- the
- top
- of
- the
- league
- with
- The
- Football
- Pocket
- Bible
- today.You
- won
- t
- need
- any
- substitutes.
- Pro
- football
- is
- like
- nuclear
- warfare.
- There
- are
- no
- winners,
- only
- survivors.
- Frank
- Gifford
- Some
- people
- think
- football
- is
- a
- matter
- of
- life
- and
- death.
- I
- assure
- you,
- it's
- much
- more
- serious
- than
- that.
- Bill
- Shankly"There
- is
- only
- one
- word
- to
- describe
- football
- and
- that
- is
- 'if
- only'"
- Bobby
- Robson"Football
- and
- cookery
- are
- the
- two
- most
- important
- subjects
- in
- this
- country"
- Delia
- SmithThis
- beautiful
- hardback
- edition
- has
- both
- dust-cover
- and
- gold
- embossing
- on
- the
- spine
- making
- it
- the
- perfect
- gift.
- Every
- Pocket
- Bible
- is
- lovingly
- crafted
- to
- give
- you
- a
- unique
- mix
- of
- useful
- references,
- handy
- tips
- and
- fascinating
- trivia
- that
- will
- enlighten
- and
- entertain
- you
- at
- every
- page.
- There
- is
- a
- Pocket
- Bible
- for
- everyone...Other
- titles
- in
- the
- series:
- The
- Rugby
- Pocket
- Bible,
- The
- Camping
- Pocket
- Bible,
- The
- Cricket
- Pocket
- Bible,
- The
- Dad's
- Pocket
- Bible
- and
- The
- Pocket Bible.