Rust free

Part 1 of Trilogy


THE STORY During her first workday, Lisa is invited by Ron to visit a car show in Cannes. She ends up attending a lecture by doctor Lombardo, an expert in the field of wellness. Most attendees fully enjoy the comparison of the human body with the functioning of a car. But this doctor not only wants to provide his audience with some insights; his mission is only accomplished if they also start doing something. Will he succeed? And who will help him? WHAT CAN YOU DISCOVER? Fuel energy for a better mood The internal little guy yells "hungry!" Stress and the 21st century bears Nutrition & Formula 1 Dieting causes overweight Stress & weight issues Burn-out due to nutritional deficit (top) sportsmen wear out more quickly Slowing down the aging process HOW THIS STORY WAS BORN Geert Wels (°1969) received an education as a doctor in Psychology, specializing in health psychology & statistics. Ever since he was a child, he was intrigued by how mind and body interact. In the meantime, he has built up over 15 years of experience as a wellness coach. This short story was written thanks to the inspiring and wise lessons from clients and colleagues worldwide. "Thanks for all the beautiful and educating experiences!"

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