Eve's Creation Story My Week On Eden


The Great Spirit of Light set all energies in motion with elegant algorithm. Time, an essential ingredient, remained unmeasured. The way my story came to be told, who knows about time, but in fairness, it now does seem just a few days ago. My story begins on an island, an island far out in the greatest of those seas, an island we called Eden. I was a young female, a female at the age to mate and bear young, a female they called Eve.
Some of you think our kind must have been slow witted, grunting, unattractive creatures. We were not. We were as bright as you, walked upright, too. Our language was simple yet full of meaning, color, and passion when you took into account the many gestures that filled the gaps between intent and understanding. We had no single word for the sun, moon, or stars. They were too full of wonder to express in a word. In telling you my story, I will use your language, and likely some unseen gestures of habit, relying on your imagination to fill any gaps.
It may surprise you to know there were twelve earthly gardens. They flourished under the care of the spirits of light, spirits I named The Watchers. Six of those gardens were near great river ways, one on a grassland plain, one on the driest of places, two were high among the highest mountains, and two on islands in great seas. One of those islands was my Eden.
The gardens were not defined by vegetation, lush or otherwise, but by creatures of a certain kind, my kind. Unlike others of my kind, we learned to live together with loving care and respect for each other. When the fruits of these gardens were ripe and ready for inspiration, The Creator acted. I was given the chance to be the first, the first in the image of that creative spirit, the first of a new kind on earth. Can you imagine?
Then a jealous spirit took notice, a spirit The Watchers called The Dark One.

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