The saurian Tanar and his friends hatch a plan to save a group of slaves from a powerful thaurian sovereign, but when two of Tanar's friends face capture on a distant saurian colony, their plan is put in jeopardy with all of them facing torture and execution.
As commander of the most advanced warships in the fleet, the sovereign first heads to the saurian colony to crush a rebellion but what he finds there next will lead him down an unexpected path.
The Earth ship under command of John Ravis makes first contact, but it goes horribly wrong. Losing most of his crew, Captain Ravis barely gets the rest of his people back to Earth, but what they discover is startling. From Tanar, they find out that they were attacked by the thaurians, a predatory race that controls a vast number of worlds.
Facing inconceivable odds, Earth must somehow hide or cloak itself from the thaurians but John Ravis' desire for revenge for the death of his brother puts the human race in danger. But unforeseen to the people of Earth, they will find out that there is a connection between the slaves, the saurians, the thaurians, and themselves and it will lead them to a forbidden world that will hold the key to the ultimate fate of the human race.
With the US unwilling to reveal its hyperdrive technology to the rest of the world, what will happen next? Will the United States thrust an unsuspecting world into an interstellar war?