***"EY! Is 'dat a frickin' DRAGON up there, or what?"***: said Every True New Yorker.
So begins our anti-hero's journey into the twists and turns of the multiverse, and his and his Wife's induction into the ranks of transcendental shadow-warriors, whether they knew it or not.
But, in The War Between The Light and The Dark, the winner hasn't been decided yet.
Which side is the Dragon on?
And what IS the true nature of Reality?
Also: WHY, when you enter a room, do you know that the people within have been talking about you? What's up with that?
You want to know the TRUE answers to these questions? Then get this book!
If you appreciate Richard Adams, Kurt Vonnegut, "THE LORD OF THE RINGS", "CORALINE" or "HARRY POTTER", then this is YOUR book.
This is GEORGE SAMUEL'S first big, big novel. But, having committed himself to telling the True Saga and Lore of the Primordicals, it will not be his last!
Discover your own True Primordical Nature! Get this book now!