- Gerard
- Woodward’s
- poetry
- has
- long
- been
- admired
- for
- its
- sharp
- and
- unflinching
- eye,
- its
- fearless
- surrealism,
- its
- blacker-than-black
- humour,
- and
- its
- ability
- to
- find
- a
- little
- abyss
- in
- any
- detail,
- no
- matter
- how
- innocuous
- or
- domestic.Here,
- his
- considerations
- of
- trampolines,
- bird-tables
- and
- lightbulbs
- will
- leave
- the
- reader
- unable
- to
- regard
- those
- things
- in
- quite
- the
- same
- way
- again;
- they
- will
- also
- find
- science-fiction
- novels
- compressed
- to
- a
- few
- stanzas,
- strange
- potted
- biographies,
- and
- lists
- of
- edicts
- from
- long-dead
- tyrants.However,
- The
- Seacunny
- finds
- this
- inimitable
- voice
- extend
- itself
- in
- new
- and
- unexpected
- directions,
- with
- the
- poet
- turning
- to
- the
- natural
- world
- and
- to
- human
- relationships
- in
- ways
- that
- are
- affecting
- as
- they
- are
- surprising.
- This
- is
- a
- book
- of
- astonishing
- range,
- and
- declares
- a
- new
- lyric
- direction
- in
- Woodward’s poetry.
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