Purification in Tibetan Buddhism
The Practice of the Thirty-Five Confession Buddhas
Geshe Jampa Gyatso
- This
- is
- an
- indispensable
- guide
- for
- all
- practioners.In
- Purification
- in
- Tibetan
- Buddhism,
- Geshe
- Jampa
- Gyatso
- explains
- The
- Bodhisattva’s
- Confession
- of
- Downfalls,
- a
- daily
- practice
- for
- purifying
- negativities.
- This
- essential
- practice
- helps
- us
- to
- clear
- negative
- thoughts
- and
- actions
- from
- our
- body,
- speech,
- and
- mind.In
- his
- delightfully
- conversational
- manner,
- Geshe
- Jampa
- teaches
- us
- the
- details
- of
- the
- law
- of
- cause
- and
- effect,
- the
- powerful
- use
- of
- the
- four
- opponent
- powers,
- and
- the
- proper
- manner
- and
- movements
- of
- prostrating,
- and
- provides
- clear
- descriptions
- of
- each
- of
- the
- thirty-five
- confession
- buddhas.Formerly
- published
- as
- Everlasting
- Rain
- of Nectar.